
4 Spring Insects in Georgia to Look Out For

4 Spring Insects in Georgia to Look Out For

Spring weather means sunny days, blooming flowers, and the return of all of your favorite spring insects in Georgia. As the temperatures begin to rise, insects will start to come out of overwintering ready to wreak havoc on your home and looking for a bite to eat. The best way to keep your home pest-free this spring is to know which critters to be on the lookout for.

Keep an eye out for these 4 spring insects in Georgia:

Cluster Flies

spring insects in Georgia - cluster flies

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Cluster flies get their name from their groupie behavior. You can find them in large numbers anywhere in your home with a good amount of sunlight – usually on windows or walls. They’re a bit bigger than a house fly with short, golden hairs on their thorax. But the most interesting thing about these spring pests is that they grow inside of earthworms! When their eggs are deposited on the soil, the larvae burrow into earthworms and feed on them. Yuck!

How to prevent them:

  • Seal up any cracks on the outside of your home.
  • Remove all standing water near your home.
  • Thoroughly clean your home.
  • Clean up any food crumbs laying around.

Asian Lady Beetles

spring insects in Georgia - lady beeteles

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Ladybugs leave behind good luck, but their look-alikes, the Asian lady beetles, will only leave you with a lingering nasty smell. These rancid pests love moisture, humidity, and warmth, so as soon as the temperature shifts, they’ll be looking for a place to call home. Whatever you do, don’t squish these critters – the smell will only get worse!

How to prevent them:

  • Caulk up cracks and crevices around your home.
  • Repair any damaged windows or door screens.
  • Vacuum them up. Most of them will survive, so you can always transfer them to your garden to help get rid of aphids.

Kudzu Bugs

spring insects in Georgia - kudzu bugs

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Kudzu bugs hate the cold, and if you find one of these critters in your home this spring, they were probably hibernating there during the winter. Once warmer weather hits, kudzu bugs will find their way to sunny areas of your home where they’ll feed and reproduce. Like the Asian lady beetles, these little guys can leave behind a raunchy odor and stain your favorite fabrics.

How to prevent them:

  • Trim your plants.
  • Seal up any cracks in and around your home.
  • Add window and door screens if you don’t have any.
  • Repair any broken screens.

Larder Beetles

spring insects in Georgia - larder beetles

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Larder beetles overwinter near food sources like kitchen pantries and cupboards. If you see one of these pesky beetles around your kitchen, you might want to check your food to make sure there aren’t more hiding. They like to feed on dried meat, pet food, and other organic material, so be sure to check all of your boxed foods and beef jerky.

How to prevent them:

  • Identify their food source then eliminate it.
  • Keep food tightly sealed.
  • Thoroughly clean up spills.
  • Wash all dishes inside of your sink.

The last thing you want this spring is a house full of stinky beetles. One little pest can quickly turn into a big infestation if not taken care of quickly! If you see one of these spring insects wandering around your home, reach out to us here, or give us a call at 706-309-0881.