
Going to Lake Oconee this Summer? Avoid the Bugs.

Going to Lake Oconee this Summer? Avoid the Bugs.

Going to Lake Oconee this summer? Looking to avoid the bugs? 

Well, you’ve landed in the right place! A day on the lake usually includes soaking up the sun, swimming in the water, hanging out with friends, and unfortunately…swatting away the bugs. Fresh water on a hot day is one of the number one places that bugs like to dwell, so it’s important to take precautions. 

Here are a few steps that you can take to avoid the bugs and enjoy your summer lake trip: 

  • Don’t leave food out on the dock – This is the number one rule when going to the lake! Bugs like roaches and ants are attracted to any kind of food, so it is important to remember to always throw away food when you’re done and keep it sealed inside the house. 
  • Pack citronella candles – Are mosquitoes the top bug that you think of when you think about the lake? Yeah, us too! Mosquitoes love water, and they can’t stand citronella. Citronella candles may not be the first thing on your packing list for the lake, but they should definitely make it on the list! Another way of fending off mosquitoes is by using citronella oil on your skin, and you can even go as far as planting citronella plants around your lake house. 
  • Avoid standing water – If you live on the lake or are renting a house on the lake, you are practically sitting on a large body of standing, stagnant water. And you know what mosquitoes love? Standing, stagnant water. To keep even more mosquitoes from camping out around your home, make sure to avoid leaving any other form of standing water in your yard. 
  • Pack bug spray – Always remember to pack lots of bug spray before heading out to the lake! Everyone has a different preference on bug spray, some people prefer sprays with high DEET concentrations, while others prefer more natural sprays. Choose a bug spray that works best for you and make sure to remember to pack it! 
  • Call in the best pest control in Lake Oconee – Give your Bug Guys a call at – 706-623-6359. NO one likes the bugs at the lake. That’s why our Lake Oconee pest control services are the perfect solution for keeping you and your family safe and free of bugs! 

Want more resources from our bug experts on how to avoid summer bugs? Here a few that we think you would like: