
Protect Your Home from Winter Wildlife

Protect Your Home from Winter Wildlife

Protect Your Home from Winter Wildlife

In Georgia, we share our breathtaking outdoors with majestic wildlife. We should appreciate them from afar, as they serve crucial roles within our ecosystem. However, we don’t want them making their way into our homes. The most common pests that you can expect to find in and around your home during the winter are: 

Just like humans, these overwintering pests seek refuge during the cold winter months, often in homes like yours. As the temps plummet, here’s how you can prevent overwintering pests and winter wildlife from taking up residence: 


Tips to Prevent Winter Wildlife Infestations

As we’ve said before, prevention is critical to a pest-free home. In the case of wildlife infestation, this statement could not be more accurate. The best way to avoid the headache of a winter wildlife infestation is to prevent the problem altogether. Many homeowners don’t even realize the things they’re doing–or not doing–that invite unwanted bugs, rodents, and animals into their homes. Let’s discuss the best ways to prevent an infestation in your home this winter!

  1. Secure your trash containers: Winter wildlife is comprised of omnivores, which means these animals will eat just about anything. Unsecured household trash containers are basically a cornucopia for overwintering pests, offering many enticing food options. Deter unwanted pests by tightly securing trash can lids, avoiding overfilling containers, and washing bins regularly to dislodge errant food waste.
  1. Seal access points to your home: Overwintering pests can enter your home through even the smallest openings. Now is the time to identify gaps, openings, and entry points into your home. Ensure your home’s attic, vents, windows, chimney, and crawl space are secure by completely sealing gaps and holes that tiny, or even larger and determined, pests can use to gain access. Minor repairs like caulking smaller openings, installing a chimney cap, and placing screens on vents can help avoid major damage from pests. They may also help reduce your heating bill!
  1. Keep trees and shrubs away from the house: When too close, tree branches give squirrels, raccoons, and other pests a natural bridge to your home. Prune shrubs to keep them at least 12 inches away from your house and trim branches that overhang your roof. Doing so will not only keep animals away but will also protect your property from damage caused by the plants themselves.
  1. Don’t leave food sources around your home: Food left outdoors invites wildlife to approach. Avoid placing pet food outside or tossing scraps into the yard. Pick up fallen fruit and protect gardens with fences designed to keep out animals. The harder it is for pests to find food, the less likely they bother you or enter your home.


Call on the Experts at Bug House

Need help protecting your home this winter? We can help! Though pests may like your warm and cozy house, you don’t have to share it with them this winter. For more than 30 years, our team at Bug House has dedicated itself to providing the best pest control services to Georgia homeowners. Our commitment to quality and safety keeps our customers satisfied and bug-free.

If you’re searching for a pest management partner to protect your home, give your local Bug House office a call! Our experts are always ready to get to the bottom of your pest problems and help you kickstart an effective, long-term solution for your home.